Category Archives: Garden Tips

Autograph Plant Care

Clusia Rosea earns it’s more common name of Autograph Plant by having glossy, thick leaves that people can scratch messages into! It’s also a beautiful indoor tree with fairly easy care. Light – Moderate to bright, indirect light. Avoid direct sunlight which can cause leaf scorch. Water – Allow to dry out approximately half way […]

Atom Philodendron Care

A very forgiving plant, Atom is one of the easiest Philodendrons to grow and is a great choice for beginners. Light – Moderate to bright, indirect light. Avoid direct sunlight which can cause leaf scorch. Water – Allow to dry out approximately half way before thoroughly saturating the soil. Do not let sit in water. […]

Monthly Checklist: August

Lawn Care If you’re planning on renovating your lawn this fall, start prepping now so you’re ready to start once the temperature begins to drop. Click here for our Fall Lawn Renovation Guide. Use pH Test Strips to check your soil’s pH. Grasses prefer a pH between 6.2 and 7.0. If your pH is low, apply […]

Inch Plant Care

Also known as Wandering Dude, this trailing plant is a member of the Tradescantia family and is grown for its beautiful purple leaves that can be solid colored or variegated. Perfect for hanging baskets. Light – Bright, indirect light. It can tolerate moderate light but low light can cause its leaves to lose their vibrant […]