Author Archives: Lindsey Sandford

September Gardening Tips

For cool season grasses such as fescue, September is the best month to core aerate, seed and fertilize. Be sure to read herbicide labels carefully regarding the exact timing between seeding and applying weed control products. Bring summer vacationing houseplants back indoors while the windows are still open. Spray Bonide Insecticidal Soap before bringing your plants inside […]

August Gardening Tips

Lawns scheduled for renovation this fall should be killed with Bonide Kleen-Up now.  Bonide Kleen-Up is 41% stronger than Roundup. Have soil tested to determine pH needs. Plan now for fall garden renovations or shrub additions.  Need design ideas – sign up for a landscape consultation! Soak shrubs periodically during dry spells with enough water […]

July Gardening Tips

Miscellaneous Check the soil moisture of container grown vegetables and flowers daily. As the temperature rises, some plants may need water twice a day. If you want to raise summer-flowering plants from your own seed, then now is time to start collecting. If you delay your collecting for too long then the seeds might end up […]