Ginny Philodendron Care

Also known as Mini Monstera and Minima Philodendron, this plant is actually not a Monstera or a philodendron at all. Its real name is Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma and its care is similar to that of its namesakes.

Light – Prefers bright, indirect light. While tolerant of moderate light, growth will be slower and smaller.

Water – Water once the soil has dried out about halfway. Be careful not to over water.

Soil – Well draining soil is very important. Ginny does not like to stay overly wet so chose a soil that drains well, like Espoma Potting Soil. If your soil isn’t draining as fast as you’d like, add perlite.

Temperature – Does best in temperatures between 60° and 80°. Don’t expose it to temperatures below 55°.

Humidity – While Ginny does just fine in average home humidity, it will flourish in higher levels. A tray of pebbles and water, a humidifier or frequent misting are all great methods for upping humidity levels.

Fertilization – Use a well-balanced fertilizer like Bonide Liquid Houseplant or one with a higher nitrogen content spring through fall. There’s no need to fertilize during winter.

Size – Ginny is a climbing plant and can reach up to 12 feet tall. Make sure you support its growth with a support like a trellis. While younger plants stems can trail, they’ll need to be transferred to a support before they become too heavy.

Repotting – Ginny is a vigorous grower and will most likely need repotting once a year. Select a container one size larger than its current home and with good drainage.

Propagation – Easily propagates via cuttings as long as a node is present.

Toxicity – Mildly toxic to people and pets if ingested.