Hope Philodendron Care

Also known as Tree Philodendron, Hope bears similar lobed leaves to the Xanadu variety.

Light – Moderate to bright, indirect light. Avoid direct sunlight which can cause leaf scorch.

Water – Allow to dry out approximately half way before thoroughly saturating the soil. Do not let sit in water. Regardless of variety, Philodendrons do not enjoy being overly wet and will decline if they are frequently overwatered.

Soil – An all purpose, well-draining potting soil like Espoma Potting Soil.

Temperature – Hope prefers temperatures between 60° and 80° and should not be exposed to temperatures below 55°.

Humidity – While tolerant of average humidity, Hope will flourish in higher levels. Frequent misting, a tray of pebbles and water or a nearby humidifier are all great methods to increase humidity. Alternatively, if your bathroom receives enough light, it’s a great location for Hopes.

Fertilization – Feed during spring, summer and early fall with a balanced fertilizer, like Bonide Liquid Plant Food, according to the label’s instructions. There is no need to fertilize during winter.

Size – Hope average 2 to 4 feet tall and 4 to 6 feet wide at maturity.

Repotting – Hope should be repotted every 2 to 3 years to prevent it from becoming pot bound. Select a container with good drainage and no more than two sizes larger than its current container.

Propagation – Easily propagates from cuttings, as long as a node is present.

Toxicity – Moderately toxic to people and pets when ingested.