Author Archives: Kat Falcon

Pilea Care

Pilea are easy to care for houseplants that are perfect for beginners. There are multiple different varieties of Pilea, with the most popular being the Chinese Money Plant (also known as the Friendship Plant, Pancake Plant and the Sharing Plant). Other varieties include Aluminum Plant, Moon Valley Pilea and Creeping Charlie and are just as […]

Peperomia Care

Peperomias are easy care, low maintenance plants that come in a wide assortment of colors and growth habits. Their care is similar to the care of succulents and cacti, so they’re a perfect step-up for new plant parents. Light – Medium to bright, indirect light is preferred though they can adapt to low light. Water […]

Peace Lily Care

These beautiful indoor plants are full of lush green leaves and bloom almost constantly. They’re easy to care for and highly adaptable to many growing environments. Light – While Peace Lilies do best in moderate, to bright, indirect light, they’re very tolerant of low light too, although they will flower less as a result. Avoid […]

Monstera Care

Monstera Deliciosa, more commonly known as the Split-Leaf Philodendron. Though not actually a member of the philodendron family, but their care is similar. These giant leafed plants are extremely easy to grow and don’t require much maintenance. Light – Monstera prefers bright indirect light but can tolerate low to moderate light as well. Avoid direct […]